In classic software programming there are a way to split whole code into several parts.
In Verilog there is also a technic to do the same. One calls that structural description.
It's like in C language, to talk outside the main function, it's necessary to have functions.
After installing Quartus II command-line interface for Windows you're ready to play with it.
The board used in this tutorial is the DE1 (EP2C20F484C7) with a Cycl0ne II FPGA.
The langage will be Verilog.
As I've noticed some bugs with the Linux version, I've decided to start using Altera Quartus II for Windows.
After installing and having an introduction to the ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition, it's time to see a really easy example by coding som
After installing ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition, what's better than testing it?
This is what we're going to see in this ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition introduction.
Simulation in HDL system is essential.
One calls that EDA for Electronic Design Automation.
It's like a debugger for a software program.
In this tutorial, we're going to see how to install ModelSim-Altera Starter Edition 10.1d simulation tool.
Blinking a LED, a basic step.
But without this first step, there won't be a second.
And without second, no third and so on.
This simple tutorial will explain basics in order to program a blinking system.
Thus this timer example in Verilog could be seen as an Hello World exercise.
Let's get started.
Every language needs to handle numbers.
With Verilog we're going to see that numbers need to have an explicit base system to avoid errors.
Each base system has a radix.
This radix is the number of unique digits making up a base system.
VHDL is one of the most famous design hardware description languages.
If you are interested to know how to switch on your first LED in VHDL, let's get started!
For this tutorial we are going to use the Altera DE1 FPGA board. And we'll switch on LED 0 and 1, to understand how it works.
It may be possible that one day you said to yourself: "I would like to design my own schematics for my electronic integrated circuits".
But you didn't know how to start.
Let's see this by learning basics in this Eagle design tutorial.