In this tutorial of the Symfony 1 framework, we will see how to create a new easy basic route.
The url_for() method will help us to create this routing.
In the layout, let's first add a link to our new page, called BapdroG and its corresponding route, called routingBadprog.
// frontend/templates/layout.php <li><a href="<?php echo url_for('routingBadprog') ?>">BadproG</a></li>
If you try to refresh your webpage, you will have a 500 error, saying that the route "routingBadprog" does not exist.
Let's then create it at the top of your routing.yml file.
For that we have to specify the URL (/badprog) and param (module and action name).
Replace modulename by the name of your own module.
// frontend/config/routing.yml routingBadprog: url: /badprog param: { module: modulename, action: badprog }
Refresh your webpage.
No error anymore?
Yes, if you try to click the BadproG link, a 404 error will be displayed, saying that the Action "matter/badprog" does not exist.
OK, let's create this action:
// frontend/modules/modulename/actions/action.class.php public function executeBadprog(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->myvariable = 'Hello world, welcome on this Symfony tutorial :D'; $this->myarray = array('one', 'two', 'three'); }
Refresh your webpage.
A new 500 error occurs saying that the template "badprogSuccess.php" does not exist or is unreadable in "".
So, let's add it:
// frontend/modules/modulename/templates/badprogSuccess.php <div><?php echo $myvariable ?></div> <div><?php echo $myarray[0] ?></div> <div><?php echo $myarray[1] ?></div> <div><?php echo $myarray[2] ?></div>
All right, this time refreshing the webpage will result by this render:
// http://yourproject/frontend_dev.php/badprog Hello world, welcome on this Symfony tutorial :D one two three
Well done, you made it
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