C++ - Standard library - move

The move template function allows to change an object owner.

We're not going to dive in the heart of the move semantics.

Instead we're going to see a really easy example of how it works.

Let's get started.

C++ - Design pattern - Decorator

The Decorator design pattern allows an object to be decorated in different ways not by inheriting from another class but by adding features directly to this object.

It's main interest is to avoid multiplication of classes that would be almost the same as the main one.

C++ - Design pattern - Prototype

The Prototype design pattern is used in order to clone an object.

Main goal to prototype design pattern is to create new objects with default values.

This cloning operation is actually a copy of an object and can be made with a shallow or a deep copy.

C++ - Design pattern - Factory method

The Factory method design pattern is a really helpful one and a great dive into the world of design patterns.

In our example we are going to use an interface and some concrete classes.

If by reading this you are still interested in the concept, let's see the Factory method design pattern in this tutorial.

C++ - Design pattern - Singleton

This Singleton design pattern is certainly the most known and maybe the most easiest to understand.

Its goal is to guarantee that an object will be created only once through all the program.

C++ - Design pattern - Observer

The Observer design pattern allows an object (often called Subject) to inform other objects (Observers) that an event has occurred.

It's particularly useful when you have data from a Subject but you don't know how this data will be used by the Observers.

Android - API - Creating a GridView

The GridView is a bit like the ListView's sibling.

A lot of concepts are shared with those similar components.

Android - API - Creating a ListView

The ListView is certainly one of the most used components by Android programmers in their applications.

Why? Because the concept is easy to understand and the result looks nice.

But a lot of tutorials are made with complicated ListView examples.

C++ - CMake - Setup with Cygwin

There are many ways to create a Makefile.

In this tutorial we are going to see how to generate a Makefile with CMake on Windows.

Indeed, CMake is a complex but interesting tool that can generate native Makefiles for the compiler of your choice.

C++ - Google Test - Set up projects to use the gtest library

Creating a library for your Google Test framework is a good practise.

It separates your main project, your library and your tests code.

A great way to deal with your dev team and your test team.

Visual Studio will be our IDE for this tutorial.

So let's get started.


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