Android - API - Creating a Spinner with colors as choices

With Android we haven't a classic ComboBox like in other frameworks but we have instead a Spinner.

Actually it's exactly the same and only the name differs.

Python 3 - PySide2 - Setting up and using Qt Designer

PySide2 is a Python API for the Qt framework.

This API is made with Shiboken2, the Python binding generator.

It means that you can write your code in Python and use the Qt framework as you’d do with C++.

C++ - Boost - Converting std::vector to Boost.Python Numpy ndarray

You have a C++ std::vector and you want to convert it to a Boost.Python Numpy ndarray.

But, once the ndarray got, you want to get back to the C++ array.

How to do that?

Let's see that in this Boost.Python tutorial.

C++ - Boost - Using Boost.Python Numpy from_data()

If you are using Python then NumPy is quite interesting for manipulating arrays.

But how do we do that with C++ and Boost.Python NumPy extension?

C++ - Boost - Building the Boost.Python NumPy extension as a library

If you are a scientist and interested in Python, you certainly already know the NumPy package.

In this tutorial I'll propose to explain how to install it on Windows in order to be used with the Boost.Python library.

We'll also make an Hello world example.

C++ - Boost - Using Boost.Python library on Windows to create a DLL

Communication between 2 different language isn't so easy.

It's often possible to find libraries to help us achieve this behaviour.

That's what we are going to see in this Boost.Python tutorial for Windows.

Let's get started.

C++ - Boost - Setting up on Windows 10

Boost libraries are some of the famous ones in the C++ world.

They contain tons of functionalities but aren't so easy to use or even understand.

Python 3 - Installing - On Windows 10

Python 3 has become an important language nowadays.

So if you haven't installed it yet on your Windows 10 operating system, it's time (it should work as well on Windows 11).

We are going to setup a complete installation in order to be ready using it later.

C++ - Windows - Creating a dynamic-link library (DLL)

Creating a .DLL is an interesting process that allows a better comprehension how a dynamic-link library works on Windows.

No need to say that we'll use Visual Studio for that.

Ready to dynamic linking?

Let's link.


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