Perl - Native functions - Using print()

The Perl print() function is used to display a string.

In our example, we are going to display the content of two variables previously declared and initialized.

So, let's go to our first Perl HelloWorld! tutorial!

Oracle - VirtualBox - Installation

VirtualBox is a virtualization manager that enables to add different OS on other OS.

Let's admit you have a PC with Windows 7 installed. In the past, if you wanted to have a Linux, you were obliged to install it like any OS with a DVD and boot on it.

And then, reboot each time you wanted to use one of them.

C++ - OpenGL - Using glRotatef() to animate shapes

Rotating a shape is fun, but rotating it with animation is really great.

That's what we are going to see in this glRotatef() tutorial for animating shapes on a window.

Our shape is made up of 3 squares with 3 different colours:

C++ - Errors / Warnings - Cannot declare member function ‘static void MyClass::myMethod()’ to have static linkage [-fpermissive]

In C++, we don't need to specify the static keyword in the declaration of the header and in the definition in the class.

It means that this keyword has to be added only in the header.

UNIX & GNU/Linux - bash - Setting the colour prompt with PS1

You like your shell but you think that some colours would be better.

Let's see how to set colours of the bash prompt with the PS1 variable.
Notice that this tutorial has been made with Ubuntu 12.
Some syntaxes may change depending on the operating system.

C++ - OpenGL - Creating an equilateral triangle

You succeeded to display a white square on a black background with OpenGL.
Let's see now how to render an equilateral triangle and changing some data.

In this example we are going to:

C - Tips'n Tricks - Retrieve temperature of hardware devices

The file from where we can retrieve temperature depends on the operating system.
For this tutorial I used Ubuntu 12.
The file on which I took temperature is /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone8/temp.

C - Tips'n Tricks - Creating a clock with six numbers after the decimal point

Everyone knows that a clock is essential in a video game.

And the more the clock is precise, the more we can do things.

That's what we are going to see in this clock tutorial by creating a clock with six numbers after the decimal point.

C++ - OpenGL - Using glRotatef() to rotate around the X, Y and Z axis

In this OpenGL 2.1 tutorial we are going to use the glRotatef() method.

This method is designed to rotate around the 3 axis: X, Y and Z.
In the example below I will use a black background and draw 3 triangles.

UNIX & GNU/Linux - gcc - Option -L for adding libraries during linking

We can add libraries during the linking step.
This tutorial is the same for g++ of course.


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